Pressurized Waste Plumbing In A Container Building
Most of the time the waste lines in a container building work by gravity. Basically […]
I Really Hate Designing Plumbing in Container Buildings
In this video, I go over the issues with putting plumbing systems in a shipping […]
Vacation Home in West Virginia Made From Repurposed Intermodal Containers
This is one of our latest designs. It’s an existing cabin that the owner is […]
How US Building Codes Work
In college professors never explained how building codes work. Supervisors never explained Codes to me […]
Art2Park Intermodal Container and Steel Structure in Orlando, Florida
Introducing Art2Park: Transforming Orlando’s Parking Spaces with Art People know Orlando, FL, for its vibrant […]
Better Travel for the Road Warrior – Easing the Agony
In the past year, many of us have had to restrict our travel, but it […]
My Recurring Nightmare in the House From Hell
I have this nightmare that repeats itself over and over again. It is slightly different, but the theme is the same for each one, and I wake up shaking. It’s not about my time in the Middle East, or any of the horrific things I’ve seen, it’s more mundane that makes it so terrifying. The…
Aluminum Exterior Cladding, CDC, Atlanta, GA
Our client, Seco Architectural Systems, Inc, was to provide aluminum screens for the parking garage […]